We recognize that all children are uniquely created. We recognize that all families are uniquely created. We recognize that our faith development is unique to our own experience. As families we are called to be light for each other. As catechists we are called to be light for others. As disciples we are called to be light for the world. We don’t just keep the faith…we share it!
Elementary Education
Religious education classes are for children who attend a public or non-catholic private school, grades 1 - 8.
Its purpose is to provide children with Catholic education in scripture, tradition, history, doctrine and the celebration of the sacraments.
The children develop their faith through study, discussion, music, prayer and familiarity with the church and its liturgy.
Sacramental preparation is an integral part of the curriculum in 2nd grade (for Reconciliation and First Communion) and 7th / 8th grade (for Confirmation) for all children of the Parish.
Mass Attendance
Religious education classes are important but another critical part of your child’s formation is regular attendance at Sunday Mass. We will make every effort to encourage your child’s participation at Mass every weekend. Encircled by the parish community, we together can awaken, strengthen and encourage faith in our children. Your participation and example at Sunday Mass is crucial.
What are the goals of the Religious Education Program?
The children will:
Whom should I call if I have additional questions?
Brittain Banull, Religious Education Director, will be happy to talk to you. Please call him at the parish office, (570) 344-1724.
Become a Catechist!
Catechists are a constant need for our Religious Education programs to be sustained. We encourage parents, grandparents, and parishioners to consider teaching in one of our programs. It is only with your help and participation that that we can accomplish the task of passing on our faith to our children.