SPECIAL MASS FOR ALL VETERANS will be offered on Sunday, November 12, at 5:00 p.m. in our church. It is our parish’s way of saying THANK YOU to the men and women who have faithfully served our country. The Mass is being hosted by our “Men of Divine Mercy” and we especially all of our veterans from the parish to join us. We will be blessed to have the parish choir and the Knights of Columbus from throughout the area present to add to the solemnity of the occasion.
SURVIVOR OF “MIRACLE ON THE HUDSON”, Fred Berretta, will be our guest here at Divine Mercy Parish on Sunday, November 12th, and will speak in the parish hall after our special Veterans’ Mass at 5:00 p.m. We welcome everyone to join us for Mass and the event afterwards. It is FREE and open to the public, hosted by our parish group – Men of Divine Mercy. Mr. Berretta was a passenger on U.S. Airways Flight 1549 on January 15, 2009 when it struck a flock of geese and lost both engines minutes after takeoff from LaGuardia Airport bound for Charlotte, NC. As he and other passengers were told to “brace for impact” as the plane was about to land on the Hudson River, he turned in confidence to the image of Divine Mercy he had in his briefcase and invoked the aid of the Blessed Mother as he thought of his wife and four children. Plan on joining us to hear Fred’s exciting story based on his book: “Flight of Faith”.